Here we list scientific publications, theses, conference contributions, and awards by HEALiX researchers

Yağmur Baş, Linn Berglund, Totte Niittylä, Elisa Zattarin, Daniel Aili, Zeljana Sotra, Ivana Rinklake, Johan Junker, Jonathan Rakar, and Kristiina Oksman.
Preparation and Characterization of Softwood and Hardwood Nanofibril Hydrogels: Toward Wound Dressing Applications
Biomacromolecules 2023, 24, 12, 5605–5619.

Linn Berglund, Paula Squinca, Yağmur Baş, Elisa Zattarin, Daniel Aili, Jonathan Rakar, Johan Junker, Annika Starkenberg, Mattia Diamanti, Petter Sivlér, Mårten Skog, and Kristiina Oksman.
Self-Assembly of Nanocellulose Hydrogels Mimicking Bacterial Cellulose for Wound Dressing Applications
Biomacromolecules 2023, 24, 5, 2264–2277.

Olof Eskilson, Elisa Zattarin, Linn Berglund, Kristiina Oksman, Kristina Hanna, Jonathan Rakar, Petter Sivlér, Mårten Skog, Ivana Rinklake, Rozalin Shamasha, Zeljana Sotra, Annika Starkenberg, Magnus Odén, Emanuel Wiman, Hazem Khalaf, Torbjörn Bengtsson, Johan P.E. Junker, Robert Selegård, Emma M. Björk, Daniel Aili.
Nanocellulose composite wound dressings for real-time pH wound monitoring.
Materials Today Bio, Volume 19, 2023,100574.

Wiman, E., Zattarin, E., Aili, D., Bengtsson, T., Selegård, R., Khalaf, H.
Development of novel broad-spectrum antimicrobial lipopeptides derived from plantaricin NC8 β.
Scientific Reports 13, 4104 (2023).

Olof Eskilson
Multifunctional Nanocellulose Composite Materials
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary, 2023.
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations, ISSN 0345-7524 ; 2292

Jonasson S, Bünder A, Berglund L, Niittylä T, Oksman K.
Characteristics of Cellulose Nanofibrils from Transgenic Trees with Reduced Expression of Cellulose Synthase Interacting 1.
Nanomaterials (2022), 12, 3448.

Paula Squinca, Linn Berglund, Kristina Hanna, Jonathan Rakar, Johan Junker, Hazem Khalaf, Cristiane S. Farinas, Kristiina Oksman
Multifunctional Ginger Nanofiber Hydrogels with Tunable Absorption: The Potential for Advanced Wound Dressing Applications
Biomacromolecules, 2021 22, 8, 3202–3215.

Sonnleitner, D., Schrüfer, S., Berglund, L. et al.
Correlating rheology and printing performance of fiber-reinforced bioinks to assess predictive modelling for biofabrication.
Journal of Materials Research 36, 3821–3832 (2021).

Amani Musa, Emanuel Wiman, Robert Selegård, Daniel Aili, Torbjörn Bengtsson & Hazem Khalaf
Plantaricin NC8 αβ prevents Staphylococcus aureus-mediated cytotoxicity and inflammatory responses of human keratinocytes
Scientific Reports, 11, 12514 (2021)

Budtova T, Aguilera DA, Beluns S, Berglund L, Chartier C, Espinosa E, Gaidukovs S, Klimek-Kopyra A, Kmita A, Lachowicz D, Liebner F, Platnieks O, Rodríguez A, Tinoco Navarro LK, Zou F, Buwalda SJ
Biorefinery Approach for Aerogels
Polymers. 2020; 12(12):2779

Linn Berglund, Jonathan Rakar, Johan PE Junker, Fredrik Forsberg & Kristiina Oksman:
Utilizing the natural composition of brown seaweed for preparation of hybrid ink for 3D printing of hydrogels
ACS Applied Bio Materials 2020, 3, 9, 6510–6520.

Eskilson, O., Lindström, S. B., Sepulveda, B., Shahjamali, M. M., Güell‐Grau, P., Sivlér, P., Skog, M., Aronsson, C., Björk, E. M., Nyberg, N., Khalaf, H., Bengtsson, T., James, J., Ericson, M. B., Martinsson, E., Selegård, R., Aili, D.
Self‐Assembly of Mechanoplasmonic Bacterial Cellulose–Metal Nanoparticle Composites
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2004766

Torbjörn Bengtsson, Robert Selegård, Amani Musa, Kjell Hultenby, Johanna Utterström, Petter Sivlér, Mårten Skog, Fariba Nayeri, Bengt Hellmark, Bo Söderquist, Daniel Aili & Hazem Khalaf:
Plantaricin NC8 αβ exerts potent antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus spp. and enhances the effects of antibiotics
Scientific Reports 10, 3580 (2020).
2023 Marcus Wallenberg Foundation Young Researcher Challenge 3MT presentation 3rd place: Yagmur Bas “Wood Nanofibers for Wound Dressings”.
Best Research Presentation on Medicintekikdagarna 2023: Elisa Zattarin: Antimicrobial Nanocellulose-based Wound Dressings for Treatment of Wound Infections.
Conference proceedings and contributions
Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials ScSB204
April 23-26, 2024
Oral presentation by Elisa Zattarin: Multifunctional nanocellulose-based hybrid hydrogel wound dressing for wound infection treatment
ACS Spring
March 17-21, 2024
Oral presentation by Yagmur Bas: Tunability of direct mild TEMPO-oxidation of softwood particles and their potential as wound dressings.
Medicinteknikdagarna 2023 October 9-11, 2023
Oral presentation by Elisa Zattarin: Antimicrobial Nanocellulose-based Wound Dressings for Treatment of Wound Infections.
EPNOE 2023
The 8th International Polysaccharide Conference
September 17-22, 2023
Keynote lecture by Kristiina Oksman: Bio-based nanomaterials and their use in composites.
Oral presentation by Yagmur Bas: Preparation and characterization of wood nanofiber hydrogels as wound dressings.
33rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Biomaterials
September 4-8, 2023
Poster presentation by Elisa Zattarin: Antibacterial nanocellulose wound dressings for treatment of wound infections
BME@LiU 2023
April 20, 2023
Presentation by Željana Šotra and Elisa Zattarin: Antimicrobial Peptides in Wound Care: in vivo Efficacy of PNC8 α/β and Functionalization of Advanced Nanocellulose Wound Dressings”
Presentation by Wasihun Bekele Kebede: Antimicrobial peptide-modified bacterial cellulose-silver nanoparticles composite wound dressing for treatment of wound infections
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society
March 28-31, 2023
Oral presentation by Zeljana Sotra: Reducing wound infection with novel antimicrobial treatments in human ex vivo and porcine in vivo wound models.
32nd Annual Conference of the European Society
September 4-8, 2022
Oral presentation by Elisa Zattarin: Nanocellulose Composite Wound Dressings with Integrated pH Sensing Capabilities for Detection of Wound Infections.
Academy Seminar
August 31, 2022
Presentation by Linn Berglund: Biobased nanofibers for sustainable lightweight materials.
4th Conference on Advanced Functional Materials
August 29-31, 2022
Poster presentation by Elisa Zattarin: Self-regulating wound dressing for the treatment of wound infections.
Presentation by Olof Eskilsson on pH wound sensors.
Swedish Chemical Society
June 20-22, 2022
Poster presentation by Elisa Zattarin: Self-regulating wound dressing for the treatment of wound infections.
Presentation by Olof Eskilsson on pH wound sensors
AMR 2022
EEIGM conference on Advanced Material Research
June 16-17, 2022
Presentation by Yagmur Bas: Cellulose Nanofibers from Wood for Wound Dressing Applications.
BME@LiU 2022
April 28, 2022
Presentation by Johan Junker on topic Inflammation and Wound healing
Poster presentation by Elisa Zattarin: Multifunctional nanocellulose composite wound dressings.
Oral presentation by Elisa Zattarin & Olof Eskilson: Nanocellulose composite wound dressings for real-time pH monitoring and detection of wound infections.
6th Gulf Conference on Burns and Wounds Management
February 11-12, 2022
Presentation by Johan Junker: Antimicrobial peptides for treating infected wounds
Presentation by Daniel Aili: Antibacterial Biosynthetic Nano cellulose Wound dressings.
Framtidens sårbehandling
August 25-26, 2021
Invited speaker Johan Junker.